MP20 - Frequency Counter 

The frequency display for the multiPIG is a freq counter with a user-configurable offset. The offset is the IF frequency of the multiPIG. Three pots control the offset to within 10 hz resolution. You can either add or subtract the offset from the freq counter input to display the tranceiver frequencies.

The input on C1 could be switched between the PLL output and a general purpose input to measure other frequencies. This can be accomplished by defeating the offset with S1.

Calibration is easy. Connect the freq counter to a known source, defeat the offset, and adjust C6 for the correct display count.

U2 is used an a signal amplifier and turns the input to square waves for the PIP controller to process.

This has to be one of the simplest and easy to use freq counter around. The complete kits are available at

MP20 FC Schematic - UPDATED 03/10/01

MP20 FC Bill of Materials

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